Which is great; if marriage today wasn't little more than an external utopia and an internal battleground. Granted, they're are some beautiful and healthy marriages out there; I still challenge my readers to shame me by bearing testimony that the majority of marriages they see ( friends; relatives; even their own parents) are healthy and something for the rest of us to aspire to.
That said, it amuses me how hell-bent we are on pushing marriage to a world whose madness is causing it to cave in on itself. I don't know why the world is going mad. I don't think anyone knows or they would have found a solution by now. Probably, we all only know a part of the truth.
What I do know is marriage is serious business; and if we're still engulfed in the world's madness, we shouldn't make it our business.
There Are No Guarantees
Equally amusing is the deliberate steps we take to lead our lives up to the great, big, 'M' ( Marriage). We prepare and 'keep' ourselves, sacrifice ourselves; until one sparkly day; we declare "till' death do us part' vows with our spouse.
But what if it doesn't work out?
What if 2, 4, 12 years down the line, your partner gets bored and turns into a serial cheater?
What if he/she brings home diseases; murdering you a slow, wretched death?
What if they turn into a monster?
What if the fights escalate until you're both screaming to get away from each other?
A harrow, dark, maybe even pessimistic outlook yes, but unfortunately, the reality on the ground
There are no guarantees.
The world has changed and what may have worked 10, 30, 50 years ago may not work today. I don't have answers. But I have made a personal decision to not get sucked into the hype; for I recognise that life has a lot of gray areas; and I refuse to conform myself to the black and white I recognise as nothing more than a crippled bandwagon of ideologies that are great in theory but turn into shattered dreams behind closed doors.
Do I want to get married? Yes. I do!
Will I hold my breath and align every decision I make with my marriage fantasies? Absolutely not!
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